
List of Events

Summer school 2024 at TUBAF, Freiberg (1. – 7. September 2024)

Monday 2. September:

Tuesday 3. September

Wednesday 4. September

Thursday 5. September

Friday 6. September

Saturday 7. September

Invitation leaflet



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Summer school preparation 2024 in Chemnitz and Freiberg, Germany….

17. -21. June 2024 at TUBAF, Freiberg Germany

On 19.6.2024 part of the partners gathered in Freiberg to continue planning the Summer school. In part of the work in the afternoon the Zoom meeting was held, to discuss the progress of “exploratory project”.

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Industrial workshop, “Forum IRT”, Portorož, Slovenia

10. -11. June 2024 Portorož, Slovenia

Partners gathered in Portorož for a forum dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and experiences between industry representatives. The event highlighted achievements and innovations in the industry, showcasing cross-organizational knowledge transfer, new ideas, designs, methods, technologies, and tools. Expert meetings and round tables assessed the current state of the industry and its needs. Additionally, successful application projects from research organizations, institutes, and universities implemented in industrial settings were presented, demonstrating the transfer of valuable scientific knowledge to practical industry applications.

Meeting agenda

Event Schedule:

  1. 09:30 – 10:00
    • Title: Additive manufacturing: basic concepts, prospects and challenges
    • Presenter: Edvard Govekar, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    • Details: Additive manufacturing (AM) represents a new paradigm for manufacturing, engineering of complex parts, and design of novel materials. The lecture introduces basic AM concepts, history, and processes, comparing AM with conventional manufacturing. Applications in various industries and future prospects are discussed.
  2. 10:00 – 10:30
    • Title: Topology optimization for additive manufacturing
    • Presenter: Damir Godec, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje
    • Co-Authors: Jelena Širjan (student), Mario Brozović (student)
    • Details: Topology optimization (TO) is crucial for designing products intended for AM, enabling weight reduction and performance enhancement. The session presents TO basics, application examples, and its advantages in AM.
  3. 10:30 – 11:00
    • Title: Physical processes responsible for properties of metallic as-built products: Materials and AM process selection
    • Presenter: Alex Katz, TECNION
    • Details: Overview of AM for metallic materials, focusing on selecting materials and processes like SLM, EBM, and BJP that enhance functional and aesthetic properties.
  4. 11:00 – 11:30
    • Title: MoldJet-Technology – Additive Manufacturing 2.1 – the next level
    • Presenter: Steffen W. Kuhn, Tritone Technologies Ltd.
    • Details: Introduction to MoldJet Technology, an advanced system in AM developed by Tritone Technologies, enhancing production efficiency and quality.
  5. 11:30 – 12:00
    • Title: Metal finishing with Plasma polishing & JetPeP
    • Presenter: Vincent Stepputat, Plasmotion GmbH
    • Details: Presentation on metal finishing solutions using plasma polishing and JetPeP technologies, highlighting their environmental and efficiency benefits.
  6. 12:45 – 13:15
    • Title: From prototype to production – the Additive Drives Story
    • Presenter: Tobias Glaser, Additive|Drives GmbH
    • Details: Journey of Additive Drives from prototyping to scalable production of customized electric motors using 3D printing, focusing on the scaling of production and innovation in AM.
  7. 13:15 – 13:45
    • Title: 3D printing of lightweight alloys and material development
    • Presenter Keren Zohar-Hauber
    • Details: Explore the advancements in additive manufacturing of lightweight alloys, focusing on challenges and solutions for materials like magnesium and aluminum. This study highlights new alloy designs and process optimizations to overcome issues like hot cracking and thermal management.
  8. 13:45 – 14:15
    • Title: Comparison of MIM and MBJ technologies
    • Presenter: David Homar, SolidWorld d.o.o.
    • Details: Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ) 3D printing technology evolved from Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) technology. Both technologies allow us to produce smaller metal parts of complex shapes. This is a powder metallurgy process. The difference between these technologies is how we obtain the so-called green part, which will be presented in this contribution in more detail.
  9. 14:15 – 14:45
    • Title: Improving surface integrity with plasma electrolytic polishing technology on industrial case studies
    • Presenter: Joško Valentinčič, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani
    • Co-Authors: Marko Jerman, Jithinraj Edaklavan Koroth, Andrej Lebar, Pavel Drešar, Izidor Sabotin (Fakulteta za strojništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani)
  10. 14:45 – 15:15
    • Title: IceJet Cutting Technology: A Leap Towards Sustainable Manufacturing in Slovenia
    • Presenter: Marko Jerman, UL, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    • Co-Authors: Andrej Lebar, Izidor Sabotin, Pavel Drešar, Joško Valentinčič (UL, Fakulteta za strojništvo)

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Summer school 2023 in Haifa, Israel

10. -14. September 2023 at Technion – The Israel Institute of Manufacturing Technologies

On first day we heard the lecture: “Introduce AM including multi-material processing, post processing. Show the challenges and the possibilities (FGM), by prof. Govekar and “AM powder preparation, handling and safety issues by Keren Zohar Hauber.

In the afternoon two practical workshops:

  1. Powder preparation and characterization using SEM, Gas analyzer, camsizer and XRF (Strokin Evgeny, Keren Zohar Hauber)
  2. Determination of process parameters  ,build preparation and characterization (Strokin Evgeny, Keren Zohar Hauber)

On Monday four theoretical lectures:

  1. State of the art in powder bed technology (SLM and EBM). (Dr. Alex Katz)
  2. State of the art of Binder Jetting (Dr. Gary Muller)
  3. Potential applications of dynamic beam shaping in DED. (Dr. Aleksey Kovalevsky)
  4. Iron, Steels, HEA and Nickel based alloys in additive manufacturing and advanced characterization (Dr. Shmuel Arieli)

in the afternoon an industrial tour to CIVAL LASERs took place

On Tuesday 12. 9. 2023 participants listened to two theoretical

  1. Defects in metal additive manufacturing (Dr. Shmuel Arieli)
  2. Heat treatments and HIP effect in PBF (Dr. Alex Katz )

part of the first lecture took place in the laboratory with live demonstration of material inspection with electron microscopy

In the afternoon two workshops took place

  1. Post processing of printed samples include: Mechanical testing (Roman Biletskiy), surface modification (Strokin Evgeny), phase determination and mapping using EBSD (Dr. Shmuel Arieli).
  2. Post processing of printed samples include: Mechanical testing, (Roman Biletskiy), surface modification  (Strokin Evgeny), phase determination and mapping using EBSD(Dr. Shmuel Arieli).

On Wednesday in the morning session two lectures:

  • Design for AM – (Dr. Alex Katz/ Dr. Gary Muller)
  • Process simulations- (Prof. Menahem Bamberger)

after the break a workshops took place

  • Hands on exploration: using FEM and ML to navigate defects in additive manufacturing (Prof. Shmuel Osovski)

and after the lunch break a workshop took place:

  • Using computer aided methodologies to design a small, complex (personal) PBF print. (overnight printing) by (Evgeny Strokin, Dr. Gary Muller and Dr. Andrej Jeromen)

On Thursday

last day of Summer school finished 3D parts were removed from the EBM machine and post-processed

After short lunch-break some of participants visited company Kanfit3D

Upon returning to the institute an “Open discussion of the results” took place and after that the summer school officially ended with short session “Summary and closing remarks”

Meeting agenda

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Invitation to the summer school “Additive manufacturing: from metal powder material to final part”

Link to pdf document: invitation

Training at Freiberg / Chemnitz 19.– 23. June, 2023

Project partners gathered at at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF) in Germany to gain insights on the PeP process as well as on sample and surface characterisation. The event was from 19. – 23. June, 2023

Meeting agenda

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Staff exchange at TECHNION, 27. May – 2. June, Haifa, Israel

First day – discussion on Summer school schedule, details etc.

Second day – we continued with schedule of theoretical presentations and preparations for the practical work, specifically on powder characterisation and preparation.

Meeting agenda

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Training at TECHNION, 19.-24. Februar, Haifa, Israel

Meeting agenda

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Kick off meeting, 12. – 13. January 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Meeting agenda

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