Summer Schools
- International Summer School on Additive Manufacturing and Post-Processing with Plasma-Electrolytic Polishing from 01.-07.09.2024 in Freiberg, Germany
- Summer school of Mechanical engineering at FS UL from 27.-30. August 2024. We host 9 grammar school children to be be introduced to the fundamentals of metal 3D printing and post-processing
- Summer School on Additive Manufacturing and Post-Processing from 10. – 14. September 2023 at Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Scientific papers
As of August 2024, as part of the SEAMAC dissemination plan, we have published 2 SCI papers in high-ranking journals and 4 papers in conference proceedings, as well as 2 posters. To enhance accessibility, the results were published under the CC0 license for data and metadata, while publications are under the CC BY 4.0 license. Two publications and one raw data set have been made available on Zenodo.
Valentinčič, J., Koroth, J. E., & Zeidler, H. (2024).
Advancements in surface finish for additive manufacturing of metal parts: a comprehensive review of plasma electrolytic polishing (PEP).
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 19(1).

Edaklavan Koroth J, Valentinčič J, Jerman M et al.
Plasma electrolytic polishing of additively manufactured metal parts: Optimizing the post processing workflow
[version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].
Open Res Europe 2024, 4:48

VALENTINČIČ, Joško, ZEIDLER, Henning, BÖTTGER, Toni, JERMAN, Marko. Influence of anode immersion speed on current and power in plasma electrolytic polishing. Micromachines. 2024, vol. 15, iss. 6, [article no.] 783, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2072-666X.,
DOI: 10.3390/mi15060783. [COBISS.SI-ID 199241731]

Andrej Jeromen, Edvard Govekar, Laser-based Metal Additive Manufacturing at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Svet strojništva Vol. 12, Nr. 03/06, pp. 86-87

- Hammad Ur Rehman, Andrej Jeromen, Keren Zohar Hauber, Shmuel Osovski and Edvard Govekar, Dilution Characteristics of Laser Directed Energy Deposition of Different Metal Powders on Cast Iron, 29. ICM&T, Portorož, Slovenia, 2.-4. October 2024
- Jithinraj Edaklavan Koroth, Joško Valentinčič, Hammad Ur Rehman, Edvard Govekar, Toni Bottger, Henning Zeidler, A feasibility study on Plasma Electrolytic Polishing of Additively Manufactured Metal Parts, 29. ICM&T, Portorož, Slovenia, 2.-4. October 2024
- Joško Valentinčič, Henning Zeidler, Toni Böttgerm, Marko Jerman, Current and Power Peak Values in Plasma Electrolytic Polishing, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing.
- KOROTH, Jithinraj Edaklavan, JERMAN, Marko, VALENTINČIČ, Joško, SABOTIN, Izidor, LEBAR, Andrej, GOVEKAR, Edvard, JEROMEN, Andrej, BOETTGER, Toni, NAVICKAITE, Kristina, TISCHNER, Florian, ZEIDLER, Henning, et al. Plasma electrolytic polishing of additively manufactured metal parts : optimizing the post processing workflow. V: GOLOBIČ, Iztok (ur.). Akademija strojništva 2023 : inženirstvo – povezovanje za trajnostni preboj : [zbornik prispevkov 12. Mednarodne konference Zveze strojnih inženirjev Slovenije], Ljubljana, 22. november 2023. Ljubljana; online: Zveza strojnih inženirjev Slovenije – ZSIS, 2023. Letn. 12, št. 3/6, str. 120-121, ilustr. Svet strojništva, letn. 12, št. 3/6. ISSN 1855-6493., DOI: 10.62020/svet.str.as20230120. [COBISS.SI-ID 182103299]
- JEROMEN, Andrej, GOVEKAR, Edvard. Laser-based metal additive manufacturing at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. V: GOLOBIČ, Iztok (ur.). Akademija strojništva 2023 : inženirstvo – povezovanje za trajnostni preboj : [zbornik prispevkov 12. Mednarodne konference Zveze strojnih inženirjev Slovenije], Ljubljana, 22. november 2023. Ljubljana; online: Zveza strojnih inženirjev Slovenije – ZSIS, 2023. Letn. 12, št. 3/6, str. 86-87, ilustr. Svet strojništva, letn. 12, št. 3/6. ISSN 1855-6493., DOI: 10.62020/svet.str.as20230086. [COBISS.SI-ID 180715267]
- GOVEKAR, Edvard, JEROMEN, Andrej. Funkcijsko gradientni materiali: predavanje na Razvojni konferenci Gremo 2024, 15. maj 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 196908291]
- SABOTIN, Izidor, VIJAYAN, Krishnaraj, ANTHUVAN, Naveen, VALENTINČIČ, Joško. A preliminary study on soft tooling process chain for injection moulding of a micromixer. V: WCMNM 2023 : World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, September 18-21, 2023, Evanston, IL, U.S. [Evanston (Il.): WCMNM, 2023]. Str. 255-259, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 170718211]
SEAMAC project was present at traditional Celje Industrial fair

Press Releases
VALENTINČIČ, Joško. A comprehensive review of plasma electrolytic polishing (PeP). (orig: . (orig.: Celovit pregled plazemskega
elektrolitskega poliranja (PeP))
Ventil : revija za fluidno tehniko in avtomatizacijo; 4/ 2024 Vol. 30 p.p. 219.

Industrial workshop, “Forum IRT”, Portorož, Slovenia
10. -11. June 2024 Portorož, Slovenia
Post on the LASIN laboratory page about the SEAMAC project (25/05/2022)
European Twinning project on additive technologies
VALENTINČIČ, Joško. The first European Twinning project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljana. Ventil : revija za fluidno tehniko in avtomatizacijo. Apr. 2023, letn. 29, št. 2, str. 82, ilustr. ISSN 1318-7279. LINK: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije – [COBISS.SI-ID 151682307]

Social media